Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

Types of Cichlid Breeding

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Cichlid breeding is fascinating due to parental behavior and highly organized breeding activities of Cichlids. Cichlid breeding usually consist of mating system was monogamous or polygamous. Although communal parental care has also been observed for a number of Cichlid species, which is where multiple monogamous pairs care for a mixed school of young. For example, Brichardi Cichlid (Neolamprologus brichardi) is a species that usually live in large groups and the FRY are not only protected by adults, and older juveniles from previous spawns. All species show some form of parental care for both eggs and fry, often extended to free-swimming young until several weeks or months. Cichlid breeding parental brood care falls into one of three categories. Open thinking, brooding, and mouthbrooding cave

Open bleak:
Open brooders spawn on open surfaces such as rocks, plants, leaves, logs, or substrate. Open brooding Cichlids are quite common in Cichlid breeding, including the Discus fish, German Blue Ram and freshwater Angelfish. In general, biparental open brooders usually participate in various roles in Cichlid breeding with regard to protecting and raising the fry. Most often, the male parent protects a couple of the territory, while females tend to be fried by Fanning water over the eggs, removing infertile eggs and eventually leads to fry until the school compound. Nevertheless, both sexes are able to perform a full range of parental behaviors. Parental behaviors, such as sheet, turning and FIN-digging was observed in Cichlid breeding for several South American Cichlid and American Cichlid species. Open brooders tend to lay more eggs (sometimes as much as 10,000) from the cave brooders (around 300 ).

gloomy cave:
Cave brooders lay their eggs in caves and depression, thus Cichlid breeding becomes quite easy if you get mouthbrooders protected areas where they can reproduce. Rocks, plants and pots can be used to provide them with these hiding places. Communication between the FRY and the free-swimming parent is noted for the number of open brooding and cave brooding Cichlids in captivity and in the wild. Often, this communication is based on body movements, such as shaking and pelvic fin flicking. Kribensis and Convict Cichlid are both popular examples of cave brooders.


Mouthbrooding: ...

Whether or ovophile larvophile, the vast majority of mouthbrooding cichlids are maternal mouthbrooders, which means that female mouthbroods mladih.Ženski printing FRY, depending on many factors such as its type, its age and condition of her health. Water quality is a factor in health, water temperature around 76-78 ° C and alkaline water will help in the hatching of the eggs and African Cichlid breeding. Similar to the cave brooders, Cichlid breeding is much easier with mouthbrooders if your hiding place, it is because they need more care than usual when they are laden with eggs.

for his first attempt at Cichlid breeding, young inexperienced females are not likely to carry the eggs to full term, then for the first time they learn to breed successfully. Raising and harvesting of mouthbrooding cichlids can be done in several ways, the best way to just let mother spit roast, of course, in a separate tank. You do not have to worry about the other adults who can eat the FRY, allowing the survival of the FRY, it is almost certain, unless the mother consumed fry. In this case it would be best to transfer the mother to another tank when the fry released.

For more information, visit this guide.

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