Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

Platy Breeding


Recognition of sex these fish is not too difficult. Mature males have a modified anal fin, tube-like structure called a gonopodium, while the female has a fan shaped anal fin, a more rounded body, and it is usually higher than her male kolega.Vrste will readily hybridize so as to avoid hybrids should be in separate mailboxes. Platys seem to breed easily without any additional equipment, but feeding with live foods such as white worms, mosquito larvae and brine shrimp for a few weeks before spawning may help produce a stronger, healthier fry.

The platy courtship male will fan their fins and position himself in front of the female sperm will be transmitted to the gonopodium in opening ženskih.Gestacije period is about twenty-eight days, a woman grows thicker develops gravid place darkened in color near the time of delivery .

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