Horticulture involves the knowledge to grow fruits, vegetables, garden plants and cvijeće.Mjesto could be a small garden at home or May even be a part of the house. Some people learn horticulture to create your own beautiful garden as a hobby or way to the house look more appealing.
How to become a horticulturist?
many universities and colleges offer certificates in hortikulturi.Potvrda makes business more credible. To horticulturist, you must be knowledgeable in chemistry, botany, soil types, written and oral communication, plant pests and diseases and the business upravljanja.Tečajevi provide information about the health benefits, food safety, gardening techniques and environmentally-sound lawn.
Professional Horticulturists can work in different areas such as:
Manufacturing -. Management of landscape services, greenhouses, vegetable farm, orchard, flower or herb shop, garden center, nursery or processing company
Landscape design, installation and maintenance -. design and planting plans with shrubs, trees, ground cover, turf grass and herbaceous ornaments
Marketing - on the wholesale or retail garden supplies, seeds, processed or fresh vegetables, floral arrangements and house plants. You can manage your marketing to the government, private companies, chain stores and wholesale distributors.
Research - can work as a researcher for improving yield and quality of vegetables, fruits, flowers and ornamental plants and develop methods for storing, handling and marketing them. You can specialize in plant nutrition, plant breeding, plant growth regulation with chemicals and other interesting areas of plant research.
Pest Management - After the training, you can work with central and state regulatory agencies, processing corporations, major farm organizations, agricultural agents, and even agricultural suppliers.
service industry and growing horticultural crops - Trained Horticulturists are employed in firms of seeds, pesticides, materials for production, fertilizer production, freezing and canning companies and landscape or farm equipment management .
inspection -. Trainedhorticulturists are usually employed in government or private agency inspectors and management uniformity in production and quality
Communication -. written insurance for agricultural or gardening magazines, television and radio, and newspapers can be rewarding too the
horticulturist jobs
° preparation plants for wholesale and retail nurseries.
° Specialized crop production.
° development and management of outdoor spaces such as resorts, hotels and sports complexes.
° Working for park departments in local authorities.
• Implement large department stores or companies associated with the agriculture industry.
Horticulturists often work with city planners, landscape architects, engineers, and environmental konzervatora.Hortikulturista working to build a better and more beautiful environment and a higher quality of life through the improvement, beautification and preservation.
Horticultural scientists or people with a university degree in horticulture working for various agricultural research institutes, where they conduct research on vegetables, fruits, flowers and grapes and wine preparations in different regions of precipitation. They are also involved in the marketing of horticultural products and agricultural extension.
labor market horticulturist
With the advent of a number of environmental issues, labor market has been expanded for fruit, vegetable and environmental horticulturists, as extension specialists, research workers, teachers, professors and researchers. Horticulturists are employed as marketing managers, production managers, inventory controllers, landscape maintenance professionals, buyers, landscape supervisors, bedding plant producers, education coordinators and research assistants.
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