Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

Lemon Tetras Is a Unique Species to Own

originating from Brazil, Lemon tetras are found mainly in South America. They are peaceful fish and they can live with any other fish that will eat them!

Lemon tetras are very attractive fish with a yellow color. Since it is a freshwater fish, they are comfortable in temperatures above 74 ° C. If the temperature falls below that level, the fish are uncomfortable and the development of stress. You should keep prowess leading to the intermediate level and preferably sour.

Female lemon tetra can grow to 1 ½ inches, a female will be smaller in size. His body looks like compressed. Most of the time, the body is absolutely transparent and there is only a small yellowish tone to it. However, the front flippers are bright yellow, and the annals of black fins.

If you want to bring a lemon tetra for your aquarium, you need to bring at least a group of seven or more, such as schooling fish. If you bring them in small numbers, they will be stressed and that hides most of the time. If a large group, it is great fun, because the group will swim in the middle, and upper part of the aquarium and they will swim with courage.

You should try to ensure lemon tetras environment that is similar to their natural habitat. Thus, the aquarium should be densely planted and there should be one big open space for swimming. Use a dark background and a dark-colored decorative items that will ensure nice to get to the aquarium as a whole.

You should regularly change the water tank to keep it clean and well uvjetovana.PH water level should be in the range from 5.5 to 7.8. You should also set the heater if the water temperature goes below 74 ° C.

in the open countryside, lemon tetras will eat worms, and plants. Bearing these points in mind, you should feed them a balanced diet consisting of live foods and some vegetables. They are comfortable, and they live in captivity and will accept a wide variety of foods.

in their natural habitat, reproductive cycle of lemon tetras is very slow. In about 15 months, they will double their population. Of course, in captivity, their cultivation is teško.Profesionalni breeders will combine several females with one male, so the chances for successful breeding to increase. Many times, females have difficulty in releasing eggs in captivity.

of women would prefer to release their eggs on the leaves of the plant, so you should see that leafy greens are available in the cultivation spremnika.Jaja will hatch within about one dan.Male are very sensitive to the environment for an initial period and may die because of some bad water conditions or inappropriate diet. However, survivors of the FRY becomes very difficult when they reach adulthood.

Lemon tetras will scatter their eggs on plants and other decorations so you will not look after the eggs. In fact they can eat some of them! Adults will also eat fry. Given these risks, you should leave the tank immediately after spawning and the fish move to another location, so that the eggs will be protected.

Even though you are not able to grow lemon tetras successfully in any well maintained aquarium is something unique and you'll be proud to show them all your guests.

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